Vercel AI SDK Tutorial

    Tool Calling With Vercel's AI SDK

    Matt PocockMatt Pocock
    Source Code

    So far we've been getting LLMs to answer questions, scan documents, and do data extraction.

    But they can do a lot more than that. LLMs can interact with the world.

    The way they do that is by calling tools or functions that we provide them.

    And Vercel's AI SDK has a first-class solution for that.

    We're going to start by creating the simplest tool imaginable and then we're going to go on from there.



    Our tool is simply going to log to the console. To create it we're going to import tool from ai.


    The first thing that any tool needs is a description of the parameters it's going to receive.

    We can add this by specifying parameters on the tool.

    This is done with a Zod schema just like we did with structured outputs before.


    We're also using describe to describe the different parameters for the LLM.


    Next we need to say what the tool is going to do.

    We do that by specifying an execute function.

    This execute function can be asynchronous, so it can do virtually anything - call APIs, write to a database, etc.

    In our case we're just going to log to the console.


    Next we're going to add a description field to the tool itself.

    This tells the LLM what it's supposed to do with the tool.

    import { tool } from "ai";
    const logToConsoleTool = tool({});

    Now our tool's been created, let's actually use it inside a generateText call.



    Let's create our function called logToConsole, passing in a model and a prompt.


    We'll give it a system prompt to encourage it to use the tool.


    And finally let's pass it our tool.

    import { generateText } from "ai";
    const logToConsole = async (prompt: string) => {
    await generateText({

    To recap, we've created a tool, passed it to generateText and given it a simple system prompt.

    Let's see what happens when we run this.

    Hello, world!

    Success! We're seeing "hello world" printed out to the console.


    That's pretty good, but it's quite opaque. How do we go in and debug this?



    Let's destructure the steps property from the result of generateText.

    steps is an array of each of the steps taken by the LLM.

    We'll look at steps later because it starts to get into interesting stuff like agentic behavior and reasoning.


    For now we're just going to pull out a property from the first step taken which is tool calls.

    This tells you all of the tools that were called during that step.

    import { generateText } from "ai";
    const logToConsole = async (prompt: string) => {
    const { steps } = await generateText({
    `Your only role in life is to log ` +
    `messages to the console. ` +
    `Use the tool provided to log the ` +
    `prompt to the console.`,
    tools: {
    logToConsole: logToConsoleTool,

    When we run this we can see that the tool name logToConsole was called.

    We can also see the arguments it was passed.

    type: 'tool-call',
    toolCallId: 'toolu_012hbsiE2sXvPrAwAvE3kgxM',
    toolName: 'logToConsole',
    args: { message: 'Hello, world!' }

    If we log toolResults instead...

    console.dir(steps[0]?.toolResults, { depth: null });

    ...we can see the result of the tool call. In this case we didn't return anything from our function so it's undefined.

    toolCallId: 'toolu_012hbsiE2sXvPrAwAvE3kgxM',
    toolName: 'logToConsole',
    args: { message: 'Hello, world!' },
    result: undefined

    These toolResults can be fed back into the LLM to provide it more information, especially when run over multiple steps.

    So debugging using steps is a way that you can get some insight as to what is happening with your tool calls.
