Streaming Text With Vercel's AI SDK

    Matt PocockMatt Pocock
    Source Code



    In our previous example, we saw how we can generate text with the AI SDK.

    But this spits out the text all at once at the end. What if we need to stream the text token by token?


    For that, we can use the streamText function from the AI SDK.

    This takes in a model and a prompt in exactly the same way, but instead of just returning text, it returns a textStream.


    The textStream is an async iterable. That means it can be streamed to a file or over a network connection.

    In this example, we're just going to stream it to stdout.

    This for loop waits for every chunk of the textStream and then writes that chunk to stdout.


    Let's say we ask it "what is the color of the sun?".

    If we now run this code, we're going to see it streaming to our console.

    And from here it's pretty easy to imagine hooking this up to a network request and then just streaming this to a UI.


    The stream text function also returns a text promise.

    This means if you just want to wait for the full text anyway, you can just await the promise.

    import { generateText } from "ai";
    export const answerMyQuestion = async (
    prompt: string,
    ) => {
    const { text } = await generateText({
    return text;