Vercel AI SDK Tutorial

    Create Embeddings With Vercel's AI SDK

    Matt PocockMatt Pocock
    Source Code

    Vercel's AI SDK has a really simple way to create embeddings.

    Embeddings are a way to represent words, images, or data in a high-dimensional space.

    This is extremely useful when you want to see how similar two things are to each other.

    This makes embeddings a really powerful primitive for tasks like searching or categorization.

    Creating Embeddings



    The first step is to grab the embedding model, the one we're using is from OpenAI.


    We're just going to embed some words: dog, cat, car, and bike. So we're going to put those in an array.


    Then we're going to use the embedMany function from the AI SDK, passing in our model and the values.

    import { openai } from "@ai-sdk/openai";
    const model = openai.embedding(

    Let's log this out to see what we've created here.

    As we can see, it's a bunch of arrays containing a load of numbers. These are vectors and these vectors represent a location in multi-dimensional space.

    Depending on the model, these arrays might be thousands of numbers long. And these numbers, i.e., the vector, represent the LLM's understanding of what that word is.

    Creating a Vector Database

    We can now collect those vectors together with the values they represent in a vector database.

    const vectorDatabase =
    (embedding, index) => ({
    value: values[index],

    This is an extremely simple version of a vector database. It's just a list of vectors with the values they represent attached.

    In the real world, you might want to use Postgres and use an extension like pgvector to add the ability to query vectors.

    Searching for Similar Embeddings

    Let's now use this vector database. We're going to search for an entry in our database which is most similar to a search term.

    We're going to have to embed one more word, our search term.

    For that, we can use the embed function from the AI SDK.

    import { embed } from "ai";
    const searchTerm = await embed({
    value: "Canine",

    Let's search for the word that's most similar to "Canine".

    Now we've got all of the vectors we need. That's literally all the information we require to perform a similarity search. We don't need to query the LLM again.

    We now need to calculate the cosine similarity between the search term and each of the vectors in the database.



    Fortunately, the AI SDK exposes a cosineSimilarity function.

    We're going to map over each entry in the database, calculating the similarity of each entry to the search term.


    Then we're going to sort them by similarity.

    import { cosineSimilarity } from "ai";
    const entries = => {
    return {
    value: entry.value,
    similarity: cosineSimilarity(

    If we log this out, we notice that the similarity is a number between zero and one, calculated to many decimal places.

    { "value": "Dog", "similarity": 0.8918085834539862 },
    { "value": "Cat", "similarity": 0.5911997598415127 },
    { "value": "Car", "similarity": 0.5564415138726317 },
    { "value": "Bike", "similarity": 0.5002829969392777 }

    And we'll notice that Dog is at the top - that's because it's the most similar to Canine.

    This relatively simple setup can drive all sorts of awesome features like search and categorization.

    And it's really nice that the AI SDK exposes the embed, embedMany, and cosineSimilarity functions - as well as the ability to query embedding models.
